Saturday, November 1, 2008

The A-Team

Following up on Oct.29 post, the first meeting of the Student Advisory Board was fantastic to say the least. We are a group of graduate and undergraduate students at the University in different years and in different Schools/Departments. We brainstormed issues of concern to the LGBTQ community and identified common threads based on the list of those discussed. We also laid the ground rules of expectations from each other from within the Advisory group and finally talked of ways to ensure sustainability of our conversations over time.

I am excited and energized about this new initiative and I hope our LGBTQ Action Team, unofficially the A-Team, is able to effect change and make this University truly inclusive of all its members. [The Cottage Inn lunch notwithstanding, this Saturday afternoon was wholesome and simply delicious].


About This Blog

This blog is built around what I refer to as the socio-sexual debate, meaning the simultaneously coexisting conditions of human society and human sexuality in a constant state of inner conflict and pressing debate. To read more, click here.

Opinion Matters

"There is a way of discussing sexuality without using labels" (Mika* in an interview with Shana Naomi Krochmal, OUT, 2008-01-28).

*Mika is a London-based singer-songwriter.

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